Monday, June 25, 2018

Nelly Queen Trailer Released

We are please to release the trailer to the film Nelly Queen: The Life & Times of Jose Sarria. We hope you can join us on June 29 at 7pm it the West Hollywood City Council Chambers for the free screening.

Nelly Queen Screening

The Imperial Courts of Los Angeles/Hollywood and Orange County invite you to a screening of Nelly Queen: The Life & Time of Jose Sarria on June 29th at 7pm in the West Hollywood City Council Chambers, located at 625 N Vincente Blvd, West Hollywood, CA.

Nelly Queen is part of the City of West Hollywood Arts Division’s One City One Pride LGBTQ Festival and was supported in part by West Hollywood’s Weho Arts Program, the International Court System, the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Jose Sarria Foundation, and the Imperial Courts of Los Angeles/Hollywood, Foundation, The Emerald Kingdom, Lexington, Orange County, San Diego, Denver, Washington D.C., Sacramento and New York City.