Exciting news from the producers of the film Nelly Queen: The Life and Times of Jose Sarria, the film has been invited to be a part of the opening night of the Long Beach QFilm Festival on Sept 5. Though the film is not fully complete the QFilm Festival is very excited to include it and wants to assist in the final funding for its completion. Watch for more information on the details to purchase tickets yet to come.
This film was Mama Jose's dying wish to be completed, will not only honor Jose but will also shine a light on the ICS Courts as a huge part of her legacy. At present the following Courts have donated to the film and are listed in the film's credits: NYC, LA, Washington DC, Denver, San Diego, Orange County, Lexington, Sacramento, San Antonio, Surrey, BC and organizations International Court Council, Emerald Kingdom, Jose Sarria Foundation along with many individual sponsors listed on our donors page. We thank them all for your support and ask for your assistance in getting the funal push for post production funding.
If you want to be listed as a donor in the credits for the Long Beach Qfilm Festival screening, the producers need a commitment no later than Monday, 7-22 as they have to lock this film version for the festival. Please contact us for more information on this.