Dear Friends,
Our funding campaign ends shortly and we want to take this opportunity thank everyone who has supported us in the making of Jose’s documentary and giving so generously. We especially want to thank the National LGBTQ Task Force and the International Court System for all their support.
With the funds raised on Indiegogo we can begin production of taping interviews with Jose’s colleagues and contemporaries. We will continue to raise funds for the completion of production and post production on this very important activist and friend to the LGBTQ community.
Please follow us on to keep updated on current events and info.
Tax deductible donations also can be made directly on our website through our fiscal Sponsor, From the Heart Productions.
Checks can be sent to:
From the Heart Productions
1455 Mandalay Bay Road
Oxnard, CA 93035
(Be sure to note that it’s for the Jose Sarria Project)
“United we stand, divided they’ll catch us one, by one!”
Jose Sarria, Empress I, Jose
Dante Alencastre, Director
Joe Castel, Executive Producer