Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Imperial Courts of Long Beach, Los Angeles/Hollywood, Orange County and San Diego invite you to a royal fundraiser at Hamburger Mary's Long Beach, Nov. 10

The Imperial Courts of Long Beach, Los Angeles/Hollywood, Orange County and San Diego invite you to a royal fundraiser at Hamburger Mary's Long Beach, Nov. 10, for the film on the Court's founder and first empress, Jose,I, the Widow Norton.  

The Imperial Courts of Southern California are teaming up to raise completion funds for Nelly Queen: The Life and Times of Jose Sarria.

Shown as  work-in-progress, Nelly Queen, opened up the Long Beach Film Festival Sept. 5, and won Audience Award for Best Feature Film. Not too bad for a film that still has to go through a professional sound mix, color correction, graphics and titles. Our goal for completion funds is $15,000.

In 1961, Jose Sarria became the first openly gay man to run for public office in the United States, and he ran in heels.

For more information, please see flyer.